
The staff found the carts very helpful, creating the discharge process easier than before. The patients like them as well! We have a cart in our lobby area, the mother/baby unit, and the pediatric unit. We also have one in our front lobby to help visitors and patients transport their infant carriers, making it easier for new moms that have lifting restrictions.

Our Infant Transport Carts have made such an impact with OB staff and other departments. Newborns are transported to their parents vehicles easier and more importantly safely. Not to mention the ability to store diaper bags and such on the bottom of the transport carts at the time of dismissal. Parents that bring their children to the hospital appreciate being able to sit the car seats in the transport cart, as we all know sometimes the car seats weigh more than the babies. The ability to push the children in the transport carts, strapped in safely, is so much safer than a parent trying to juggle a heavy car seat and perhaps all the baby things that accompany them.

Our infant transport carts have become as essential as the wheel chairs that we use in our facility. A much appreciated product.

We love the cart. It is a great way to get the infant and all the luggage and belongings down using one transporter.

My staff at the St. Joe’s campus is extremely happy with the discharge cart. They use it for discharge and for car seat studies and have no complaints with it. They like the way the carseat fits in the cart and how you can put patient belongings in the cart as well.

I know they love it at both hospitals that I got them for. I think it holds everything very well and makes it easy for both the parents and the nurse or PCT to transport for a discharge. It can also be used to move a patient from their L&D room to their postpartum room. Only one trip with belongings versus multiple, especially when the unit is busy.

Our unit shares space with the ICU nursery. Both areas are utilizing this cart. Due to visitor restrictions, there are not as many helpers getting mom and baby to the car. This cart really helps keep everything tucked in and together for the walk/or wheelchair ride to the exit lobby. Many moms that are taking babies home from the ICU nursery are thrilled to be able to push their sweet one out in the infant discharge cart. It is so easy to push and super fun to watch the babies on their way to the car. And, it saves the staff from having to carry those heavy awkward car seats to the car. The infant discharge cart is a great addition to our unit!!!

We love our cart! We use it to take 99% of our babies out and often times use it to perform carseat testing as well.

The staff are thrilled with it! And patients find it so much easier to use when they’re discharged rather than multiple trips with the previous cart.

The cart has been a great blessing so far. It is much more compact that I was expected, which I was pleased with and it moves so easily. It is light weight but still feels sturdy – great design.

We’re happy with the price and your units.  They are used constantly.

NICU staff LOVE the cart. The families love it too. The mini is the perfect size for us. It feels very secure when the seat is strapped in and the parents can easily push it , no problem. It truly has made the discharge process so much smoother. literally and figuratively 🙂 Thank you for this wonderful product.